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Brian Cheung

Brian Cheung

I study intelligence in many forms: natural, artificial and collective. How does it emerge? Where is it going?

Currently at the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Interested in collaborations? Please reach out:

Papers I'm thinking about lately (all of my papers)

  • The Platonic Representation Hypothesis Minyoung Huh*, Brian Cheung*, Tongzhou Wang*, Phillip Isola*, ICML 2024 Oral

    TLDR: As all models continue to improve, the representations they use are converging.

  • What if Eye...? Computationally Recreating Vision Evolution Kushagra Tiwary*, Aaron Young*, Zaid Tasneem, Tzofi Klinghoffer, Akshat Dave, Tomaso Poggio, Dan-Eric Nilsson, Brian Cheung**, Ramesh Raskar**

    TLDR: We trained an eyeball. Lensed eyes, scaling laws and more emerge from our simulation of visual evolution.

  • System Identification of Neural Systems: If We Got It Right, Would We Know? Yena Han, Tomaso Poggio, Brian Cheung, ICML 2023

    TLDR: Even if we had a perfect model of the brain, we probably wouldn't know it.

  • Superposition of many models into one Brian Cheung, Alex Terekhov, Yubei Chen, Pulkit Agrawal, Bruno Olshausen, Neurips 2019

    TLDR: You can literally add a bunch of model parameters together and still get good performance.

  • Emergence of foveal image sampling from learning to attend in visual scenes Brian Cheung, Eric Weiss, Bruno Olshausen, ICLR 2017

    TLDR: If you simulate the evolution of a retina with a goal to attend, a fovea emerges.